
Vivid Binaries

Design Development Branding SEO

Website relaunch time

We saw our fifth company anniversary as the perfect moment for a change, a new website showcasing our growth and capabilities.

The decision to go dark was based on the desire to distinguish ourselves from the bright competition websites, not to mention that it allows for a more "Vivid" representation.

Hope you like the new face of our agency.

@todo Out with the old, in with the new

Many sunny days spent inside

Lots of coding magic thrown around

Countless hours procrastinated

50+ Ramen bowls devoured

Graphic acceleration

Creating our website gives us full freedom when it comes to decision-making allowing us to create a visually impressive and vivid website with some clever binaries to maximize performance.

The combination of the dark background and the smoke effect allows for an elegant representation with the inclusion of a wow factor and the utilisation of graphic acceleration allows for a smooth user experience.

The effect is toned down on mobile devices to improve readability and an on/off toggle is incorporated for those that find it too much.

Optimization focused

It's not all smoke and mirrors here at Vivid Binaries GmbH. A unique and recognizable representation is important to us, however, making it run seamlessly is something that distinguishes us from the competition.

Despite complex animations, quality images and extensive video content, we have managed to keep all of the aspects of the Google PageSpeed Insights in the green for both desktop and mobile views of our website.

Google PageSpeed Insights Score

Best Practices



100% GDPR Compliant

Everything that users see on our website comes from our servers. There are no cookies or third party services involved making it a fully GDPR compliant website.

The only data that we process is the one that is submitted through our contact form. It is securely stored, used exclusively to answer to inquiries and can be removed by request.

@todo Fully GDPR compliant
@todo FrontSail framework

Developed within our framework

The new Vivid Binaries website is fully created within our own product called FrontSail, a lightweight framework that helps you to quickly create small to medium sized reactive websites.

It is absolutely free to use under the MIT License.

Try it out here

Let's build something great together!

We approach projects one at a time with a first come first served attitude allowing us to fully focus our resources on your needs. Hire your dedicated team today.

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© Vivid Binaries GmbH 2023